Hello Members!
January 27, 2025
A few dozen of our active Palmetto members just returned from a fantastic week at Big Sky, Montana. Our members were part of a club ski trip that was organized by the Crescent Ski Council (CSC), which is a collective of 18 ski clubs in the Southeast. This trip was a glorious week of bluebird skiing and pow!. The week started out a bit chilly (-21 degrees F), but that didbn't seem to phase our hearty bunch of southerners. In total we had 177 people from 13 clubs represented. Next up is Schweitzer, Idaho, March 8-15.
Speaking of cold weather and powder, the second scheduled race of the season was held at Sugar Mountain, January 11 & 12. There was a snowstorm that moved in Friday and continued into Saturday. Coupled with the cold temperatures and high winds, it was a very cold start to the race season. Then Sunday was the complete opposite; cool and sunny with no winds – perfect skiing conditions. PSOC did well over the weekend, finishing in second place in the Western Division.
We had 15 racers Saturday with 10 racers reaching the podium and 17 on Sunday. This resulted in 7 PSOC racers reaching the podium! Go team!
PSOC is now in 2nd place in the Western Division after the first completed race this year. Great job to all of you who braved the elements and placed us here. We have a little work to do to regain 1st place, but have three more races to do it, so keep up the great work.
Our next race is at Appalachian Mountain, February 1 & 2, followed by Winterplace, WV race February 8 & 11. We are looking for all our racers to come out and have a great time. Club members who would like to ski but not race are welcome to come up and take advantage of the reduced lift ticket prices on the weekends that we are racing - you just need to let your race director know ahead of time so we can get your names on the list. So, please contact our race director Dan Hudson at psocracers@gmail.com if you are interested in going as a racer OR as a skier.
See the Club Calendar for up-to-date info on activities,
Big Sky, Montana Trip. Palmetto Ski Club members enjoy another beautiful ski day.
Welcome to summer!
It's time to enjoy summer activities... and everyone who attended the Low Country Boil enjoyed a great start to outdoor summer fun - thank you Lisa, Steve, and your committee!
Next, we had several club members go on the Crescent Ski Council adventure trip to Iceland - by all accounts, this trip was wonderful as well - thanks to Michelle for directing the PSOC contingent!
On to the upcoming trips... if you are interested in attending the Steamboat race camp December 7-14, 2024, Big Sky, Montana January 14-21, 2025, or Alaska Land/Cruise trip May 13-25, 2025, DO NOT HESITATE TO SIGN UP! All of these trips are expected to reach capacity in the next month or two - don't miss out! See details at www.psoc.org or contact Michelle Shuford for details.
Happy Hour for June is this Friday June 14 at the home of Suzanne and Bob Brown... Suzanne always fixes yummy food - be sure not to miss this!
Do not forget to RSVP for the Lake Party on July 20 - details are below.
We recently received information regarding the celebration of life for former PSOC Board member, Debbie Gerwe. It will be a drop-in on Saturday August 24 from 2:00-6:00 and the PSOC membership was invited - be sure to RSVP if you plan to attend: You're invited to "Celebration of Life." Tap here to RSVP - Paperless Post Card
Repeat info. from last month's note:
Note in the lake party details below that we will have officer elections then - if you are interested in an officer position, please let Devon Cortright or Charles Gill know. Also, if you are interested in a Director position (appointed by the President) please make us aware of your interest... better for you to control your destiny than to have someone nominate you in your absence ;) We NEED a social director in the worst way... not a hard job - pick locations for the 6 months we do not already have a standing event, notify the venue, notify the board to get it advertised, and show up early to stake out tables!! Please volunteer for this opportunity so you aren't depending on the board to make (or not make) these happy hours happen! We still need events for August and September...
We have several events for 2024 on the calendar for you to enjoy - if you have other ideas, please notify the
Board to get them added:
See you tomorrow night at Typsy Tavern!
Cindy Pendley, PSOC President
May Update from the President:
Hello PSOC!
Welcome to warm temperatures to enjoy some non-skiing activities! While you are enjoying spring temperatures, it is never too early to think about travel for next winter - the details for 2024-25 trips are now available on our website psoc.org, and we have some early deadlines - be sure to sign up for Steamboat (December 7-14) and Big Sky (January 17-24) soon after June 1 to be sure to get a spot! Also plan for trips to Schweitzer Mountain in March and Alaska in May! And if you are a long-term planner, be aware that the 2026 non-ski Crescent trip will be to New Zealand and Australia - some great trips on our horizon!!
Be sure to attend our May membership meeting and recognize our award-winning race team! Our Race Director, Dan Hudson, will have lots of hardware to show off and distribute!
Also, please RSVP to Lisa TODAY if you are coming to the Low Country Boil so she can buy enough food for you - her contact information is listed below.
Note in the lake party details below that we will have officer elections then - if you are interested in an officer position, please let Devon Cortright know. Also, if you are interested in a Director position (appointed by the President) please make us aware of your interest... better for you to control your destiny than to have someone nominate you in your absence ;) We NEED a social director in the worst way... not a hard job - pick locations for the 6 months we do not already have a standing event, notify the venue, notify the board to get it advertised, and show up early to stake out tables!! Please volunteer for this opportunity so you aren't depending on the board to make (or not make) these happy hours happen! We still need events for August and September...
We have several events for 2024 on the calendar for you to enjoy - if you have other ideas, please notify the
Board to get them added:
Saturday, May 18 Low Country Boil at the home of Steve and Lisa Chasteen, 1306 Hunters Trail, Anderson - RSVP today to lwchast1@att.net or 864-934-4608! Come any time after 4:00; food will be served at 5:30. Bring a chair, an appetizer or dessert, and your beverage of choice - see you there!
Thursday, May 30 PSOC member Robbie Heyde (son of PSOC members Brad and Meredith Heyde) will be performing at Southern Hart Brewing Company in Hartwell, GA at 7:00 PM. Let's support one of our own (and arrive early to get a table)!
Tuesday, June 11 June PSOC membership meeting at Typsy Tavern on Hwy 81 in Anderson near I-85. Board meeting is at 6:30 and membership meeting is at 7:30. Come early to eat with other members before the 7:30 membership meeting!
Friday, June 14 Happy Hour at the home of Suzanne and Bob Brown, 505 Holly Creek Dr., Anderson starting at 6:00 pm. Bring a dish to share and a beverage of your choice
Tuesday, July 9 July PSOC membership meeting at Typsy Tavern
Saturday, July 20 Lake party at the home of Jerry and Cindy Pendley, 88 Everytime Dr., Anderson - RSVP by July 13 to skiingpendleys@bellsouth.net or 864-901-9861! Come anytime 1:00 or later; PSOC officer elections will be held at 3:55 and food will be served at 4:00. Bring your swimming paraphernalia, a chair, beverage of choice, and a dish to share. Meat will be provided by PSOC.
Tuesday, August 13 August PSOC membership meeting at Typsy Tavern
Friday, August 16 HH TBD
Tuesday, September 10 September PSOC membership meeting at Typsy Tavern
Friday, September 13 HH TBD
Tuesday, October 8 October PSOC membership meeting at Typsy Tavern
Friday, October 11 Happy Hour at the home of Suzanne and Bob Brown, 505 Holly Creek Dr., Anderson starting at 6:00 pm. Bring a dish to share and a beverage of your choice
Tuesday, November 12 November PSOC membership meeting at Typsy Tavern
Friday, November 29 Black Friday Happy Hour at City Range in Greenville starting at 5:00
Thursday, December 5 PSOC Christmas party at the home of Steve and Lisa Chasteen
Please support the Board in my absence Tuesday - I will literally be half way around the world in Indonesia, but will try my best to be a late arrival to the Low Country Boil if Nippon Air and United Airlines do their part!
Cindy Pendley, PSOC President
17 PSOC members travelled to Sun Peaks, BC, Canada for a week of Spring skiing from March 16 - 23, 2024. A well-planned trip, with motorcoach transport from the Vancouver airport to Sun Peaks Resort, situated about 45 minutes north of Kamloops, BC. The weather was sunny and mild, but we still had plenty of snow , which was spread across the huge 3-mountain resort. We stayed at the famous ski-in/ski-out Cahilty Lodge, which also had great food, and a couple of on-site hot tubs. Situated in Sun Peak's quaint alpine village, with great Apres-ski activities as well. We had good sushi, schnitzel, burgers, and pizza, as well as a group fondue dinner (coordinated by Michelle), which was amazing (and filling). We closed the great week of skiing with an overnight stay and tour of downtown Vancouver. Travel for all was uneventful, and we had a great time.
Wow – time flies! It seems we were just starting the ski season and now we are close to the end. But not before we do some more racing and winning, and not before we travel to Canada to enjoy Sun Peaks with warmer temperatures than in 2020!
Be sure to join us tomorrow at Typsy Tavern for the February 13th membership meeting – the meeting starts at 7:30 pm but you are welcome to enjoy dinner with the early birds as early as 6:00! You will hear about the race team and its continued winning ways, as well as the spring beach convention and next year’s long distance travel possibilities.
Upcoming events:
Myrtle Beach
We are still looking for a non-skiing activities director to help us fill in the blanks with happy hours and non-skiing activities. It isn’t necessary for you to coordinate the activities – just find leaders for them and promote them to the club membership. Not hard at all, and the Board of Directors (as well as several former non-skiing activities directors) are willing to help you!
See you at the Feb. 13th Meeting!
Cindy Pendley, PSOC President
Trip Report: More than a dozen Palmetto Ski Club members joined another 90 regional CSC club members January, 13-20th for a great trip to Taos, New Mexico. The snow was great, and the skiing was excellent. Thanks to CSC and our trip chair for another amazing trip.
Let's review some items from the recent past:
Palmetto Ski & Outing Club, along with active members Meredith Ann Heyde and Bonnie Turner-Adomatis, were featured in the November issue of Town Carolina Magazine!
Click the pic or link to check it out!
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